The band was formed in 1973 under its original name of the Wallasey Pipe Band and brought together several ex-members of the 1st Battalion the Liverpool Scottish along with several other pipers and drummers in the area. The inaugural meeting took place in the Stone Manganese Social Club in Wallasey. The original venue for the band rehearsals was Riverside Primary School in Brighton Street, Wallasey.
In 1974/5 the band moved to Heswall British Legion. After several years it moved to Moreton where it was given premises on the Cadbury's factory site. Finally the band moved to its present home in Moreton Community Centre, Maryland Lane, Moreton.
Ted Humphries played an integral part in forming the band and was its first Pipe Major. He learned his piping from Pipe Major Evan MacRae who was at that time Pipe Major of the Liverpool Scottish. Ted was also an expert working with leather and for many years made excellent sheepskin pipe bags.
When Ted retired in 1975 Chris Eyre, one of the founder members, took on the role of Pipe Major for the next two years before moving on to another band. At this point Ken Milne took over as Pipe Major, a position he held for about 30 years. His contributon to this band has been immense. Dennis Robinson became Pipe Major in 2003 and led the band until 2008 when Robert Walters took on the role. In 2015 Bob left the band and Chris Eyre returned to the role he had held 40 years earlier, a position he still holds today.
By 1974 the band consisted of over 30 members and began to take on their first engagements. 52 years on and the Wirral Pipe Band is still going strong. They still meet on a Wednesday evening to continue their progression both personally as musicians and as a band. They perform at a wide range of outdoor and indoor events, carnivals, fetes, parades for the Royal British Legion, etc, ie. Remembrance Day. We also supply pipers for special occasions, ie. weddings, funerals, Burns Night and New Year's Eve.
Anyone who is keen to learn is welcome to come to our weekly meetings.
Early 1970s. Left to right - Keith Seddon, Ken Milne, Geoff Williams, Chris Eyre, Steve Eyre, Albert Krawinkle, Dain Dunnet, Gary Williams, Harry Smith, Gary Jenkins, John Jenkins, ... Jenkins, Dave Renton.
Hesketh Hall, early 1970s. From left to right: Geoff Williams, Dave Renton, Keith Seddon, Kenny MacKenzie, Gary Williams, Steve Eyre, Harry Smith, John Jenkins, Ken Milne, Gary Jenkins.

Heswall British Legion's Remembrance parade. (Early 1970's)

Ellesmere Port Civic Centre, 1972

Competing in the indoor Trio Piping Branch contest 1975 Chris Eyre, Gary Williams, Keith Seddon
